Jon Roth / Chief of Technology



Joined company: ?

age: ?

origin: Carvadiras, GB, Switzerland

ideology: anarchistic e-democracy

psychology: adversarial


Jon Roth grew up in the Bündner mountain area of Switzerland which may account for his down-to-earth yet highly independent mindset. While highly skilled in applied AI technologies, he also seems to display an adversarial attitude against authority.

He quit GLAZIAL multiple times just to negotiate a higher salary when rehired. The company has now bound him with an adhesive contract.


Jon Roth was already head of IT when these archives were started. A valued long-time employee of GLAZIAL, he has kept the company up to date with the constantly evolving technologies starting with the invention of the microchip in the 60s.

When GLAZIAL acquired it's own AI department in 2011, Jon Roth advised CEO Laurent Oprescu on the development of an AI-supported company software, which would later be branded as Geist_AI.


Jon Roth is a necessary evil. Being the first and only IT Director at this company, he made sure that the digital infrastructure can only be maintained by himself. So he quit 3 times in critical times, and we were forced to rehire him - with a higher salary.

Note from Sarah Bianchi, Chief of Human Resources:

I put an end to this rehire-at-higher-salary nonsense by binding this devil with an adhesive contract.


From Jon Roth's Geist_AI documentation excerpts:

"Some believe the AI singularity would be like god coming to earth. Or Faustus summoning the devil. Realistically, it’s just us foolishly granting godlike powers to mindless software."

"When Geist_AI took over control of the company's operations, we had to switch to suppliers with sufficient digital infrastructure and connect it to our software. A shitload of work, but worth it."

"First everyone thought the company was being taken over by an artificial intelligence. But it was far worse: we were taken over by a software with no intelligence at all."

"The first company to create an A.I. with true intelligence would get an infinite head start over the competition. For the program could create a better A.I., which in turn could create an even better one, and so on. In the very unlikely case this happens, the self-aware software should be made open-source."

From Jon Roth's From Direct Democracy to True Anarchy:

"We delegate governance and legislation to politicians. But an ideal democracy would know no political class. Instead, citizens should project their political will on a proxy, and that proxy should not be a politician, but a software without interest or agenda."